Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli - Best Book Ever!

The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli is one of the most wonderful books ever written.  How can you say that, it is a book about war.  It is more than that, it is a book about life.  Machiavelli was a philosopher.  A political philosopher no doubt, but his lessons, well articulated apply to life in general.  The book is separated into 25 chapters.  I will endeavour to put some thoughts down on each chapter.

I am also reading Machiavelli by Miles Unger.  Fan-bloody-tastic!  Yes, I need to get out more.  (It's New Year's Eve and I'm writing a blog while I do laundry/lol???  The dryer is broken, urgh...  Step running to restart every 2 mins or so...  Cheers to the theatre of the short attention spaners ;)  Also check out The Artist, The Philosopher and The Warrior by Paul Strathern if you really want your fill.  Wonderful reads all!  (If my Stepford life continues this winter, I will be able to publish my notes!)

1. Of the Various Kinds of Princedoms
There are either Republics or Princedoms.  Princedoms are either hereditary or they are new.  They are acquired by arms of their own or arms of others.

2. Of Hereditary Princedoms
"For one change always leaves a dovetail into which another will fit."  Is that not true of life?  I'm thinking as things move on, things change and events/people fit into place.  Friends come and go.  Sometimes a friend you haven't seen in years comes back into your life and fits right into place.  Vice Versa too.  You can have someone in your life and be quite content and than boom, they are gone.  Things change and coalesce into a new reality for better or worse.  Phase shift/change!

3. Of Mixed Princedoms
New difficulties abound in new princedoms.  Use the analogy of relationships...  The prince cannot avoid giving offense to his new subjects.  And the word vexations is also used here in the context of attendant on a new acquisition.  New relationships always have growing pains as do old ones.  Somehow offense, even so small, can be given.  Yup, boys, it's true.

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