Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Entangled by Cat Clarke

My daughter gave me this book to read.  I must say the topic was not my favorite, but the book was well written and the story was very well done.  Looking forward to reading more of this authors books!

Some good quotes:
P3-  "Because writing is definitely helping.  Just the mechanics of it:  forming the letters which make up the words which magically join up to make sentences.  It's sort of soothing."  I am not a writer, can you tell?  But in times of distress this hit me as being a true statement.  

P100- "And then suddenly I was fighting back tears - beyond ridiculous!  I'd only just met the boy.  It's not like he meant anything to me.  I think it was the idea of him that was so appealing.  I was desperate for someone to take care of me.  To tell me everything would be ok.  To hold me and make me feel better."  Yup, all girls can relate to this one.  The pretty ones and the smart ones...

P112- "It just showed that you can never tell what's really going on with people beneath the sunny surface they present the world."  Ok, this one is way too true.  Need I say more?

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